Habitat Restoration

Habitat restoration in Central Oregon plays a vital role in preserving the state's rich biodiversity, ecological resilience, and cultural heritage. As a region renowned for its diverse landscapes, from lush forests and meandering rivers to expansive grasslands and rugged volcanic peaks, Central Oregon boasts an abundance of unique ecosystems that support a wide array of plant and animal species. However, habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation are threatening the health of these ecosystems and the species that depend on them. In response, the Black Butte Conservancy organizes habitat restoration initiatives that aim to rehabilitate degraded habitats, restore streamflow, improve water quality, enhance ecosystem functions, and promote the recovery of native plant and animal populations. By restoring habitats, we not only protect the intrinsic value of the Black Butte region but also safeguard clean air and water, soil fertility, and pollination, upon which both wildlife and human communities rely. Moreover, habitat restoration fosters resilience to environmental stressors, such as climate change and invasive species, helping to ensure the long-term health and sustainability of the Black Butte region for generations to come.

Join us at our next work party. Together, we can restore the habitat toward its natural state, honoring the Black Butte region’s natural and cultural heritage.


Nature Trails & Benches


Wildlife Safe Passage