Reed Canary Grass

Invasive Species Removal

In Central Oregon, the restoration of native species faces a significant challenge posed by invasive species encroachment. To combat this threat and revitalize the region's ecological balance, concerted efforts in invasive species control are underway. These initiatives involve a multifaceted approach, including targeted removal, habitat restoration, and public education. Through the identification and systematic removal of invasive plant species like reed canary grass and knapweed, native vegetation can reclaim vital habitats, providing food and shelter for indigenous wildlife.

Community involvement plays a crucial role in the success of invasive species control efforts in Central Oregon. At the Black Butte Conservancy, work parties are organized to foster a sense of stewardship among community members and empower them to take an active role in restoring the region's natural heritage. By engaging our community, we can work towards a future where native species thrive, biodiversity flourishes, and the unique ecosystems of the region remain resilient in the face of environmental challenges.

Join us for a work party!


Western Bluebird Monitoring


Nature Trails & Benches